Crystal Bean, Certified Life Coach, Author, & Motivational Speaker

Thrive, don’t just survive. 

Mindset and Confidence Coach



Crystal Bean Life CoachAs a confidence coach, I’m Crystal C.L.C., M.L.C., and my mission is to provide you with clarity, confidence, and genuine support to enhance or cultivate self-love by restoring your self-assurance. Together, we will identify and overcome any limiting beliefs that hinder your progress, and redirect your journey towards a healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically. Now is the moment to prioritize your happiness and focus on yourself.

Most importantly, I am a General Life, Mindset, and Confidence Coach. I love helping individuals who lost confidence to regain it or build confidence even if they have never had self-esteem or self love. I believe self love is very important because nobody is going to love you more than you love yourself. I believe that people have the ability to change! I know that some of you are scared, feel hopeless, still has little voices from their parents (i.e, telling you that you will never be anything, showing favoritism over siblings, verbal/physical abuse and etc.), bullies, and social media influences holding you back mentally. But the question is, “Are you tried of living in the sideline in life instead of being in the front, take your control back, be your best and live the life you deserve, don’t you want to have peace within you?” 

And if that sounds like you…And your ready to take the next step….

Let me help you build the ultimate confidence and self love.  

I am a co-author of “I Stand Up to Bullies”, a Motivational Speaker, and most notably, Mindset & Confidence Coach. I started with speaking engagements and working with youth at second chance programs. I knew in my heart this is what I was meant to do. Using my expertise and experience to support people from all walks of life to a path that was meant for them and their inner-peace, I decided to become a Certified Life Coach. 

For decades I have been committed to guiding others, using bulletproof tools to find their why and live out their true potential in this wild journey of life. I am an avid believer in the Confidence Coaching framework where we go beyond traditional coaching and enhance your strengths, self-esteem, confidence, and break down any doubts of how incredible you are. 

I am dedicated to acknowledging your specific journey in your identity. I honor and am grateful for your trust in me to uncover your miraculous worth. 

I am here to know the true you and get you to know the true you too! Contact us today!


Get Confidence To Breakthrough Your Limitations

  1. Clarify your situation and develop a personalized plan for change.
  2. Examine ways to find balance and fulfillment instead of a life of “have to’s” and “should do’s.”
  3. Provide a process and tools to keep you focused on living a full life and healthy habits.
  4. Empathize with your struggles and life transitions.
  5. Include affirmations, exercises, and activities to work on shifting your mindset.
  6. Work collaboratively with you to keep you motivated, focused, and moving forward to where they are.

Jealous? A you tried of feeling like you don't have a voice, that you don't matter?


Get Confidence To Breakthrough Your Limitations

  1. Stop listening to the inner voice that is afraid of the person that you want to become.
  2. Be the fearless person who know you are ready to be.
  3. Stop letting others determine your outcome of who you are and what you want to  be. 
  4. It’s not who you were, it’s who you want to be. 
  5. Keep your feet planted, don’t let social media influences change your perception of yourself.

Enlightenment is not just one state

It’s time for you to start your journey to enlighten yourself to build self esteem through self love. Learn to stop being a people pleaser, learn to unleash yourself from self doubt, stop giving up on you, and stop allowing others to determine how you feel about you and start doing you.

Are your tried of pushing and pushing, feeling like your about to break, tried of not having boundaries, tried of feeling self shame, tired of looking at yourself in the mirror and don’t like you, tried of living a lie, trying of having impostor syndrome,  tried of feeling unloved and not wanted, tried of letting people walk all over you because you don’t have the gusts, and tried of feeling low self esteem because of past trauma (verbal or sexual abuse), feel ugly, used, misunderstood? 

Well, my friend, this is your season take control of your life, it’s not too late.

Start here!